Alexandre Hyafil
Cross-frequency phase coupling (PPC) may play an important role in neural processing and cognition. 10 However, a new study unveils a statistical bias in how PPC is detected in neural recordings, questions 11 prior evidence for PPC in hippocampus, and shows PPC tests are dramatically flawed by their 12 confounds with oscillation harmonics. 13
14 Neural oscillations are taking a greater prominence in our study of the neural bases of cognition. Their 15 capacity to orchestrate the activity of large populations of neurons is arguably instrumental in many 16 cognitive operations. More and more theoreticians and experimentalists are now wondering whether the 17 coupling of these oscillations across distinct frequencies provides refined temporal organization of neural 18 activity involved in sophisticated cognitive processes. While cross-frequency coupling (CFC) comes in 19 different flavours (Jensen and Colgin …