Jawadul H Bappy, Amit K Roy-Chowdhury, Jason Bunk, Lakshmanan Nataraj, BS Manjunath
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision
The advent of high-tech journaling tools facilitates an image to be manipulated in a way that can easily evade state-of-the-art image tampering detection approaches. The recent success of the deep learning approaches in different recognition tasks inspires us to develop a high confidence detection framework which can localize manipulated regions in an image. Unlike semantic object segmentation where all meaningful regions (objects) are segmented, the localization of image manipulation focuses only the possible tampered region which makes the problem even more challenging. In order to formulate the framework, we employ a hybrid CNN-LSTM model to capture discriminative features between manipulated and non-manipulated regions. One of the key properties of manipulated regions is that they exhibit discriminative features in boundaries shared with neighboring non-manipulated pixels. Our motivation is to learn the boundary discrepancy, ie, the spatial structure, between manipulated and non-manipulated regions with the combination of LSTM and convolution layers. We perform end-to-end training of the network to learn the parameters through back-propagation given groundtruth mask information. The overall framework is capable of detecting different types of image manipulations, including copy-move, removal and splicing. Our model shows promising results in localizing manipulated regions, which is demonstrated through rigorous experimentation on three diverse datasets.
JH Bappy, AK Roy-Chowdhury, J Bunk, L Nataraj… - Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on …, 2017