Mohinder Singh
Academia Letter
Technology is still evolving in the twenty-first century, and instigation of the internet has changed the way of living of the people. It is rapidly expanding, and as a result, it reflects the behaviour of people in cyberspace. The entire world is completely dependent on technology. It has pervaded every dimension of the society. Children’s daily lives have been dominated by digital culture. It allows today’s youth to live a modern lifestyle. People, especially young people, are now constantly linked to the online world and have access to social media 24 hours a day (Sticca, Ruggieri, Alsaker, & Sullivan, 2014). As a result, they consider the internet to be an essential part of their daily lives. However, there are both positive and negative aspects of digital technology. Cyberbullying, a type of cyber harassment, is one such negative outcome. Thus, internet is full of danger.