Mohinder Singh, Shamshir Singh
Journal of Critical Reviews
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become a corner stone of our society, culture and identity. Internet has an access to an unlimited amount of the information at the click of the button. It is a double-edged sword. The overwhelming use of internet and social media causes both negative and positive effects on its users. Cyberbullying is one manifestation of such type of negative effects. Cyberbullying is a form of harassment and humiliation through the virtual world (Juvonen & Gross, 2008). The increased use of social media by teenagers and adolescents, has led to cyberbullying becoming a major issue. Rising incidents and tragedies of cyberbullying have alerted researchers, educators, government officials, and the parents to the severe consequences of this new form of bullying. It is an emerging concern that has been associated with the series of negative consequences. Its presence is found in almost every societal aspect. The effects of cyberbullying behaviour have been studied largely in middle and high school students, but less is known about cyberbullying in college students. It has been rampant and uncontrolled among the College students. Its adverse effect has become a crucial concern for all. It is a challenge for teachers and parents to control the cyberbullying. Very little attention has been paid to its academic impact and outcomes. It can have extensive negative impact on the victim and leave them with devasting scars. The victims of cyberbullying experienced anxiety, fear, depression, low academic achievement, school dropouts, low self-esteem resulting in feeling overwhelmed, vulnerable, powerless, revengeful …