Özgün Melike Gedar Totuk, Şevket Ergun Güzel, Hüsamettin Ekici, Ali Kumandaş, Selda Emre Aydıngöz, Enis Çağatay Yılmaz, Taylan Kırdan, Ahmet Midi
Turkish Journal of Trauma & Emergency Surgery/Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisi
BACKGROUND: Algan Hemostatic Agent (AHA) is a multi-herbal extract containing a standardized amount of Achillea millefolium, Juglans regia, Lycopodium clavatum, Rubus caesius or Rubis fruciosus, Viscum album, and Vitis vinifera, each of which is effective in hemostasis. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of AHA on bleeding time in a rat tail hemorrhage model.
METHODS: Forty-eight Sprague Dawley rats (5–7 weeks old, 180–210 g) were randomly and equally allocated to six groups as follows: heparin plus saline (heparinized control), heparin plus AHA-soaked sponge, heparin plus liquid form of AHA, saline (non-heparinized control), AHA-soaked sponge and liquid form of AHA. Heparin (640 IU/kg) was administered intraperitoneally three times a day for three days in heparinized groups. For the bleeding model, the tail of rats was transected. According to the study group, either saline-or AHA-soaked sponge or liquid form of AHA was applied over the hemorrhage area. In AHA-or saline-soaked sponge groups, once the bleeding time had started, it was checked every 10 seconds. If the bleeding did not stop after 40 seconds, it was accepted as a failure. In liquid AHA group, the duration of bleeding was measured using a chronometer and defined as the time (seconds) from wounding until the bleeding stopped.
RESULTS: Bleeding time in the heparinized and non-heparinized control groups was over 40 seconds. After applying the sponge form of AHA on the wound area, bleeding time was significantly shortened to less than 20 seconds in both heparinized and non-heparinized rats (p< 0.001 for both). The liquid form of AHA …
ÖMG Totuk, ŞE Güzel, H Ekici, A Kumandaş… - Turkish Journal of Trauma & Emergency Surgery …, 2020