Robert L Schalock, Sharon A Borthwick-Duffy, Valerie J Bradley, Wil HE Buntinx, David L Coulter, Ellis M Craig, Sharon C Gomez, Yves Lachapelle, Ruth Luckasson, Alya Reeve, Karrie A Shogren, Martha E Snell, Scott Spreat, Marc J Tasse, James R Thompson, Miguel A Verdugo-Alonso, Michael L Wehmeyer, Mark H Yeager
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. 444 North Capitol Street NW Suite 846, Washington, DC 20001
This Manual contains the most current and authoritative information and knowledge on intellectual disability, including best practice guidelines on diagnosing and classifying intellectual disability and developing a system of supports for people living with an intellectual disability. Written by a committee of 18 experts, "Intellectual Disability: Definition, Classification, and Systems of Supports" (11th edition) is based on seven years of work on: (1) a synthesis of current information and best practices regarding intellectual disability; (2) numerous reviews and critiques of the 10th edition of the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) definition manual; and (3) feedback from the field regarding a series of articles published by the Committee. This is the first official AAIDD definition manual with the terminology "Intellectual Disability" (formerly mental retardation).