Wen Xu, XS Luo, YP Pan, L Zhang, AH Tang, JL Shen, Y Zhang, KH Li, QH Wu, DW Yang, YY Zhang, J Xue, WQ Li, QQ Li, L Tang, SH Lu, T Liang, YA Tong, P Liu, Q Zhang, ZQ Xiong, XJ Shi, LH Wu, WQ Shi, K Tian, XH Zhong, K Shi, QY Tang, LJ Zhang, JL Huang, CE He, FH Kuang, B Zhu, H Liu, X Jin, YJ Xin, XK Shi, EZ Du, AJ Dore, S Tang, JL Collett Jr, K Goulding, YX Sun, J Ren, FS Zhang, XJ Liu
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Copernicus GmbH
A Nationwide Nitrogen Deposition Monitoring Network (NNDMN) containing 43 monitoring sites was established in China to measure gaseous NH3, NO2, and HNO3 and particulate NH4+ and NO3 in air and/or precipitation from 2010 to 2014. Wet/bulk deposition fluxes of Nr species were collected by precipitation gauge method and measured by continuous-flow analyzer; dry deposition fluxes were estimated using airborne concentration measurements and inferential models. Our observations reveal large spatial variations of atmospheric Nr concentrations and dry and wet/bulk Nr deposition. On a national basis, the annual average concentrations (1.3–47.0 μg N m−3) and dry plus wet/bulk deposition fluxes (2.9–83.3 kg N ha−1 yr−1) of inorganic Nr species are ranked by land use as urban > rural > background sites and by regions as north China > southeast China > southwest China > northeast China > northwest China > Tibetan Plateau, reflecting the impact of anthropogenic Nr emission. Average dry and wet/bulk N deposition fluxes were 20.6 ± 11.2 (mean ± standard deviation) and 19.3 ± 9.2 kg N ha−1 yr−1 across China, with reduced N deposition dominating both dry and wet/bulk deposition. Our results suggest atmospheric dry N deposition is equally important to wet/bulk N deposition at the national scale. Therefore, both deposition forms should be included when considering the impacts of N deposition on environment and ecosystem health.