Shambhvi Singh, Indu Singh
Current Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Emulgels are a new drug delivery technology for hydrophobic drugs that have received popularity in recent years. This formulation is a blend of emulsion and gel, and it is an innovative type of drug delivery mechanism. The goal of this review is to gain insight into emulgel preparation and evaluation to determine how essential these dosage forms are. It will be widely utilized in the future since it is simple to use and improves patient compliance. Emulgels are readily removed, spreadable, thixotropic, greaseless, pleasant, emollient, have a long shelf life, and are clear. Gels have several advantages, but their delivery of hydrophobic agents is one of them. To solve this constraint, an emulsion-based technique is being developed. Emulgel is a unique topical medication delivery technology since it has both a gel and an emulsion release control system. When emulsions are mixed with gel as a form of administration, an emulgel with the dual release is created. Polymers with better release patterns have emerged as a consequence of this method, allowing for a controlled and extended-release.