Suja Somanadhan, Emma Nicholson, Emma Dorris, Aoife Brinkley, Avril Kennan, Eileen Treacy, Awan Atif, Sean Ennis, Vicky McGrath, Derick Mitchell, Grace O’Sullivan, Julie Power, Anne Lawlor, Paul Harkin, Sally Ann Lynch, Philip Watt, Avril Daly, Susie Donnelly, Thilo Kroll
The Rare Disease Research Partnership (RAinDRoP) was
Background: established in 2018 to bring together a wide variety of diverse voices in the rare disease community in Ireland and form a research partnership. This approach enabled clinicians, patients, carers and researchers to work together to identify top research priorities for rare diseases, which focused on a life-course perspective rather than a disease-specific need.
S Somanadhan, E Nicholson, E Dorris, A Brinkley… - 2020