Alain Haurie, Frédéric Babonneau, Neil Edwards, Phil Holden, Barbara Pizzileo, Marc Vielle
This article deals with the problem of fair sharing of a safety cumulative emissions budget up to 2050 where the safety emissions budget is determined chiefly by climate science. Using climate models one may infer the temperature change due to different possible emission pathways provided by world techno-economic models. From these simulations one can identify emissions pathways that keep the temperature increase below threshold levels that should not be overtaken. Now the negotiation could concentrate on the fair sharing of the resulting safety cumulative budget over the time horizon 2010-2050. We assume that an international emissions trading system is the instrument chosen to realize the transfers leading to equity, while retaining efficiency in the abatement activities. We use an integrated assessment model to propose sharings of the safety budget which satisfy some Rawlsian equity criteria when one …