Niels de Hoon, Roy van Pelt, Andrei Jalba, Anna Vilanova
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) cause 47% of all deaths in Europe and 40% in the European Union. It takes the first place on the list of the main causes of death in women in all countries of Europe, and is the number one cause of death in men in all but six countries [1]. Many studies indicate that abnormal blood flow can cause cardiovascular anomalies. Moreover, abnormalities in the vessel structure can cause aberrant blood flow. Examples include atherosclerosis [2], valve-related diseases [3] and aortic dissections [4]. Furthermore, age dependent blood-flow differences can be measured with techniques such as phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (PC-MRI)[5]. This study focuses on aortic blood flow.
In order to understand, prevent, or cure CVDs, a thorough understanding of the cardiovascular system and its blood flow is required. Research and cardiac investigations in clinical practice utilizes various types of non-invasive measurement techniques, such as Doppler ultrasonography, computed tomography angiography (CTA), magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), phase-contrast X-Ray imaging (PCI) and phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (PC-MRI). Moreover, computer simulations are used to model patient-specific blood flow under all kinds of circumstances. Both measurements and simulations have contributed to a better understanding of cardiovascular blood flow, as well as cardiovascular anomalies. Although, some hospitals opt for Doppler ultrasonography as the first choice of investigation when, for example, aortic dissection is suspected, MRI is increasingly used [6]. Doppler ultrasonography costs less, however …
NN de Hoon, R van Pelt, A Jalba, A Vilanova - Computer Graphics Forum, 2013