JK Thakur, ASIT Mandal, DOLAMANI Amat, MC Manna
Harit Dhara
Soil microbes and plants are the most important component of soil ecosystem. These two are in constant interaction with each other and have co-existed under similar climatic conditions. In due course of interaction some microbes colonized and established inside the plant parts and remained as endophyte. All microorganisms that inhabit, at least for some period of their life cycle in the interior of a plant healthy tissues without causing any apparent symptom of disease are called endophytic microbes. Endophytic microbes may stimulate host plant growth through several mechanisms like biological control, induced systemic resistance to plant pathogens, nitrogen fixation, phytohormone production and enhancement of nutrient and water uptake. In general, the value of a particular plant species is determined based on the biochemical compound produced by the plant, but in many cases endophyte present in those plants works better than the biochemical compoundsin producing the intended result through the natural products made from the plant. For example, the snakevine (Kennedia nigriscans) crushed and heated in an aqueous brew by local Aborigines in southwest Arnhemland to treat cuts, wounds, and infections. It was found that, the healing effect of plant was because of presence of a novel endophyte, Streptomyces sp. that produces wide-spectrum novel peptide antibiotics called munumbicins which prevent sepsis. Similarly, Achnatherum robustum, commonly known as sleepy grass,(synonyms Stipa robusta, also Stipa vaseyi subsp. robusta) is a perennial plant in the Poaceae or grass family inducing sedative effect on the animals …
JK Thakur, A Mandal, D Amat, MC Manna - Harit Dhara, 2018