Agnes Higgins, Louise Doyle, Carmel Downes, Rebecca Murphy, Danika Sharek, Jan DeVries, T Begely, F Sheerin, S Smyth, E McCann
Trinity College Dublin
However, despite recent positive social changes the study found that a very significant number of those aged under 25 did not experience the same levels of positive mental health and wellness as those older than them. Some of the findings are harrowing, especially the very elevated levels of suicidal behaviour and self-harm among LGBTI teenagers as well as the worrying levels of severe and extremely severe stress, anxiety and depression. The study confirms that 12 is the most common age for people to know they are LGBTI and that they negotiate coming out against the backdrop of a very challenging school environment where there has not been a significant reduction in anti-LGBTI bullying in recent years. The data reveals that anti-LGBTI bullying in schools can have a devastating impact on LGBTI teenagers’ mental health, increasing the likelihood of reporting stress, depression, anxiety, self-harm and attempted suicide.