P Janiaud, C Axfors, R Saccilotto, L Hemkens, A Schmitt, J Hirt
Published online April
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic is characterized by an unprecedented urgency to obtain reliable information on therapeutic options and their evaluation in clinical trials.
Objective: We aim to provide a freely available and daily updated online database of worldwide trial evidence on benefits and harms of interventions for COVID-19, including interventions for prevention, diagnosis, treatment and clinical management.
Data sources: PubMed, LitCovid and WHO literature database for publications; ClinicalTrials. gov, WHO's International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (WHO-ICTRP) and Chinese Clinical Trial Registry (ChiCTR) for trial registries; Swissethics for IRB approved drugs; and medRxiv and bioRxiv for preprints.
Selection criteria: We will include reports, registry entries, and manuscripts of trials testing any intervention actively allocated to humans with COVID-19. We will include a broad range of trial designs (including multi-arm but also uncontrolled trials) and interventions (including drug and non-drug treatments, vaccines, diagnostic procedures, and decision algorithms) without restrictions to language, region, or healthcare setting.
Design and Methods: In close collaboration with a world-wide network of partners, we will use a multi-method approach combining peer-reviewed search strategies, continuous automated extraction of search results, automated classifications combined with crowd-based manual screening and data extraction, and quality control through expert review. We will start with a set of core variables and gradually expand the amount of information based on the needs of different stakeholders (including patients …
P Janiaud, C Axfors, R Saccilotto, L Hemkens… - Published online April, 2020