Snehal J Patel
TECHNO REVIEW Journal of Technology and Management
Rural markets have suddenly come into lime light after most of the urban markets are being saturated by products. Health care in rural areas of India is not well developed when compared to their urban counterpart. Though government had started many initiatives to drive the health of rural Indians, still the awareness related to various health problems and their necessary treatment is at a very nascent stage in rural India. The decision regarding consultation of doctors in case of suffering from common diseases like cold, cough, etc comes from a variety of sources and hence the perceptions and attitudes of rural people must be studied regarding medical treatment in case of common diseases. The present study will also help to marketers of medicines and doctors to address the issues properly. The present study investigated the perceptions and attitudes of rural people of selected villages of Mehmdavad district towards medical treatments. A sample of 100 people living in rural areas of Mehmdavad was selected and a structured questionnaire was administered with them. Chi square and ANOVA test were used to check the influence of current state of suffering from common diseases and their perceptions and attitudes towards medical treatment. The study find out that recent suffering from common diseases do have effect on perceptions and attitudes of rural people with reference to medical treatment.