Jodie L Babitt, Michele F Eisenga, Volker H Haase, Abhijit V Kshirsagar, Adeera Levin, Francesco Locatelli, Jolanta Małyszko, Dorine W Swinkels, Der-Cherng Tarng, Michael Cheung, Michel Jadoul, Wolfgang C Winkelmayer, Tilman B Drüeke, Ali K Abu-Alfa, Baris Afsar, Amy Barton Pai, Anatole Besarab, Geraldine Biddle Moore, Nicole Casadevall, Aleix Cases, Angel de Francisco, Kai-Uwe Eckardt, Steven Fishbane, Linda F Fried, Tomas Ganz, Yelena Z Ginzburg, Rafael Gómez, Lawrence T Goodnough, Takayuki Hamano, Mark R Hanudel, Chuan-Ming Hao, Kunitoshi Iseki, Joachim H Ix, Kirsten L Johansen, Markus Ketteler, Csaba P Kovesdy, David E Leaf, Iain C Macdougall, Ziad A Massy, Lawrence P McMahon, Roberto Minutolo, Takeshi Nakanishi, Elizabeta Nemeth, Gregorio T Obrador, Patrick S Parfrey, Hyeong-Cheon Park, Roberto Pecoits-Filho, Bruce M Robinson, Simon D Roger, Yatrik M Shah, Bruce S Spinowitz, Tetsuhiro Tanaka, Yusuke Tsukamoto, Kriang Tungsanga, Carl P Walther, Angela Yee-Moon Wang, Myles Wolf
Kidney international
In chronic kidney disease, anemia and disordered iron homeostasis are prevalent and associated with significant adverse consequences. In 2012, Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) issued an anemia guideline for managing the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of anemia in chronic kidney disease. Since then, new data have accrued from basic research, epidemiological studies, and randomized trials that warrant a re-examination of previous recommendations. Therefore, in 2019, KDIGO decided to convene 2 Controversies Conferences to review the latest evidence, explore new and ongoing controversies, assess change implications for the current KDIGO anemia guideline, and propose a research agenda. The first conference, described here, focused mainly on iron-related issues, including the contribution of disordered iron homeostasis to the anemia of chronic kidney disease, diagnostic …