Michal Bogdziewicz, Elizabeth Crone, Rafal Zwolak
Journal of Ecology
  1. Numerous interactions between plants and animals vary in their outcome between antagonism and mutualism. Interactions between plants and scatter‐hoarding animals provide a prime example of this phenomenon. Scatterhoarders consume large quantities of seeds (potentially reducing plant establishment), yet also disperse seeds and bury them in shallow caches (potentially improving recruitment). Despite intense work on mechanisms that cause these interactions to shift along an antagonism–mutualism continuum, it remains difficult to quantify their final outcomes.
  2. We demonstrate how readily available field data can be used to reach this goal, with interactions between rodents and two oaks species (sessile oak Quercus petraea, and red oak Q. rubra) as an empirical example. Our approach consists of quantifying the net outcome of the interaction through collecting data on different vital rates (e.g. probability …