Michael Ladisch, Pankaj Sharma, Carl Wassgren, Eduardo Ximenes, Kendra Erk, Arezoo Ardekani, James Dooley, David Thompson, Nathan Mosier, Antonio dos Santos, Dale Monceaux, Pahola Thathiana Benavides, Diana Ramirez Gutierrez, Antonio Goncalves da Cruz, Rosineide da Silva Cruz, John Aston, Marcial Gonzalez
Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN (United States); Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States)
The processing of biomass solids in a biorefinery consists of pretreatment, enzyme hydrolysis / concurrent fermentation of sugars to ethanol, product recovery, and drying. Sustainable operation requires a front end that transforms wet solids into a pumpable slurry. Otherwise the biorefinery will suffer unscheduled shut-downs and inefficient operation due to solids that obstruct pumps and other equipment and resist mixing in a bioreactor. Downtime in pioneer biorefineries due to interruptions from materials handling problems has been 50% or more, leading to unsustainable manufacturing processes. This work addresses new technology, predictive computational models, and definition of operational conditions that result in formation of slurries of corn stover at up to 300 g/L using low enzyme loadings (1 to 3 FPU cellulase/g) before the biomass (corn stover) enters the pretreatment step. A team of researchers from Purdue University, Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Forest Concepts, AdvanceBio, Argonne National Laboratory, and DOE BETO have combined their knowledge in agricultural and biological engineering, bioprocess engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, agricultural economics, materials engineering and enzyme and microbial technology to address the challenge of making lignocellulose flow. This team effort has resulted in the development and validation of conditions that employ low levels of commercial enzyme in an agitated bioreactor to which corn stover pellets are added resulting in formation of slurries at high solids loadings, before pretreatment. This approach overcomes challenges caused by handling of …
M Ladisch, P Sharma, C Wassgren, E Ximenes, K Erk… - 2022