Janina Marißen, Annette Haiß, Claudius Meyer, Thea Van Rossum, Lisa Marie Buente, David Frommhold, Christian Gille, Sybelle Goedicke-Fritz, Wolfgang Goepel, Hannes Hudalla, Julia Pagel, Sabine Pirr, Bastian Siller, Dorothee Viemann, Maren Vens, Inke Koenig, Egbert Herting, Michael Zemlin, Stephan Gehring, Peer Bork, Philipp Henneke, Christoph Haertel
BMJ open
BMJ Publishing Group LTD
Introduction The healthy ‘eubiosis’ microbiome in infancy is regarded as the microbiome derived from term, vaginally delivered, antibiotic free, breastfed infants at 4–6 months. Dysbiosis is regarded as a deviation from a healthy state with reduced microbial diversity and deficient capacity to control drug-resistant organisms. Preterm infants are highly sensitive to early gut dysbiosis. Latter has been associated with sepsis and necrotising enterocolitis, but may also contribute to long-term health problems. Probiotics hold promise to reduce the risk for adverse short-term outcomes but the evidence from clinical trials remains inconclusive and none has directly assessed the effects of probiotics on the microbiome at high resolution. Methods and analysis A randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled study has been designed to assess the safety and efficacy of the probiotic mix of Bifidobacterium longum and infantis and Lactobacillus acidophilus in the prevention of gut dysbiosis in preterm infants between 28+ 0 and 32+ 6 weeks of gestation. The study is conducted in 18 German neonatal intensive care units. Between April 2018 and March 2020, 654 preterm infants of 28+ 0–32+ 6 weeks of gestation will be randomised in the first 48 hours of life to 28 days of once daily treatment with either probiotics or placebo. The efficacy endpoint is the prevention of gut dysbiosis at day 30 of life. A compound definition of gut dysbosis is used:(1) colonisation with multidrug-resistant organisms or gramnegative bacteria with high epidemic potential or (2) a significant deviation of the gut microbiota composition as compared with healthy term infants. Dysbiosis is …