Prawesty D Utami, Retno Budiarti, Herin Setianingsih, Pramita A Nugraheni, Ronald P Adiwinoto, Judya Sukmana, Wahyu P Mutiadesi
Teikyo Medical Journal (https://www.teikyomedicaljournal.com/article/an-overview-of-soil-transmitted-helminth-infections-and-personal-hygiene-in-stunting-toddlers-at-the-ngagel-rejo-district-east-java-indonesia)
Teikyo University School of Medicine
Helminth infections are one of the neglected diseases that are often found in areas with low socioeconomic and sanitation hygiene. There are various causes of helminth infection; soil-transmitted helminth/STH is one of the main causes. The global prevalence of STH infection globally reaches 30% of about 1.5 million people. Geographic distribution of this disease on several continents in tropical and subtropical climates such as Africa, China, Southeast Asia, and America [1]. The term STH is associated with the role of soil as a medium for developing the helminth's egg/larval stage to turn into an infective stage. STH species include Ascaris lumbricoides/A. lumbricoides, hookworm(Ancylostoma duodenale/A. duodenale, and Necator americanus/N. americanus), and Trichuris trichiura/T. trichiura [2],[3].
Indonesia is a tropical country with low socioeconomic, poor sanitation, and population hygiene, which predisposes to the development of STH infection [4]. The prevalence of helminth infections in Indonesia ranges from 2.5-62% and infects people of all ages, even though children are most susceptible to infection [3]. STH patients who defecate on the ground are the source of the infection. The soil will become contaminated with the patient's feces and serve as a breeding ground for STH eggs. The humid and tropical/subtropical climate is ideal for developing worm eggs. STH can be transmitted to other humans through the ingestion of eggs or human skin penetration by infective larvae [5]. Strategies for preventing STH transmission include the practice of clean and healthy living (washing hands before eating and after defecating, wearing footwear …