Didin Syafruddin
McGill University
Taqî al-Din A/. Jmad ibn Taymiyya, who was bom at!: Iarran in 1263 AD and died in the Citadel of Damascus in 1328 AD, was one of the leading figures of the!: Ianbalite school. As a Muslim thinker, he always insisted on the superiority of the Qur'an and of the Sunna (the Prophet's Tradition), and of the examples of the $ al;! iïba (the Companions of the Prophet) and the rabi'ün (the immediate successors of the Companions) over other sources of guidance such as reason. In addition, he strove to maintain the pristine purity of Islamic teachings.
As a saJafi theologian, loyal to the" men of old" Ibn Taymiyya criticized without hesitation the philosophers, rational theologians,(speculative)~ üfis and Shî'îtes whose convictions ('aqii'id) he considered to have strayed from true Islam. He wrote many books and issue<! many fatwa s, 1 showing the weaknesses of his opponents' arguments from the point of view of both reason and revelation and trying to have them accept what he regarded as true Islam. He seems to have defined himself as a guardian of Islarnic thinking and hehavior whose responsibility was te guide Muslims to the right path and to preserve and maintain the salafi convictions. This stance led him to he a polemical Muslim thinker, as is shown by the nature of almost all of his writings. 2