Junho Song, Duhyeon Kim, Seonghui Kim, Gibeom Choi, Subin Park, Hodeung Yoo, Sohong Park, Serim Park, Seonmi Ji, Suengmok Cho
한국수산과학회 양식분과 학술대회
In the modern trend of emphasizing eco-friendliness, there is a substantial interest in process research for the utilization and reduction of by-products in the seaweed processing industry. Agar is the major product of the seaweed processing industry, mainly using Gelidium amansii, and the traditional agar process involves alkali pre-treatment, extraction, filtration, gelation, and dehydration. During this procedure, a significant amount of by-products are generated in the pre-treatment and filtration steps. In addition, The alkaline effluents produced by conventional method have negative effects on the environment. Therefore, modifying the existing method is necessary. For these reasons, we applied ethanol pre-treatment method. Ethanol pre-treatment solution means an ethanol extract, which can be utilized as a dietary supplement with health benefits. Thus, to evaluate the potential value of each by-product, the total …
J Song, D Kim, S Kim, G Choi, S Park, H Yoo, S Park… - 한국수산과학회양식분과학술대회, 2023