Gil Diamant
NF-κB transcription factors are central components of the cellular response to a broad range of extracellular signals, activating genes important for immune response, inflammation and cell survival. Certain NF-κB target genes that include IκBα and A20 are themselves negative regulators of the NF-κB pathway and control of their transcription is critical for the strength and the duration of the NF-κB signal. P-TEFb and DSIF are positive and negative transcription elongation factors (respectively) that have been shown to differentially regulate transcription of NF-κB target genes. This unique regulation is dependent on the NF-κB enhancer and the type of the core promoter: P-TEFb regulates genes with canonical TATA-box, and DSIF regulates TATA-less or weak TATA genes. The goal of this study is elucidate the mechanisms behind differential elongation regulation of NF-κB genes.
We measured the rate of transcription …