V Vadez, S Rao, J Kholova, L Krishnamurthy, J Kashiwagi, P Ratnakumar, KK Sharma, P Bhatnagar-Mathur, PS Basu
Journal of Food Legumes
Indian Institute of Pulses Research
Among many factors that are associated with drought tolerance in legume crops, root traits have been considered to be the most important attributes enabling the plant to mine water efficiently from deeper soil layer under dry environments. Most of the methods used to evaluate roots are time consuming that provide valuable information about the root morphology but they do not reflect the dynamic characteristics of roots and root systems. Considerable amount of genetic variability with respect to root traits involving length, dry weight and root length density (RLD) has been observed. Apart from the observed morphological variation in roots which has specific significance of adaptation, their functional aspects involving direct water uptake and their related kinetics are equally important. A large lysimetric system has been developed at ICRISAT to make progress in this direction. Compared to other legumes, root traits in chickpea have been thoroughly investigated and consequently, preliminary breeding works have been initiated using root traits. Root measurements in plants grown in cylinders showed almost similar relationship with depth and RLD determined in the field and thus have been used to explore diversity for these traits in chickpea. The possible diversity for root traits has been analysed in wild relatives and transgenics as well. Using this method, root depth and RLD are being phenotyped in several recombinant inbred line populations. A major putative quantitative trait loci (QTL) for RLD was identified in a population involving a profuse rooting parent ICC 4958 and the contrasting Annigeri. These QTLs will be a faster and easier …
V Vadez, S Rao, J Kholova, L Krishnamurthy… - Journal of Food Legumes, 2008
V Vadez, S Rao, J Kholova, L Krishnamurthy… - Journal of Food legumes, 2008