Nicholas I Paton, Cissy Kityo, Jennifer Thompson, Immaculate Nankya, Leonard Bagenda, Anne Hoppe, James Hakim, Andrew Kambugu, Joep J van Oosterhout, Mary Kiconco, Silvia Bertagnolio, Philippa J Easterbrook, Peter Mugyenyi, A Sarah Walker, E Agweng, P Awio, G Bakeinyaga, C Isabirye, U Kabuga, S Kasuswa, M Katuramu, C Kityo, F Kiweewa, H Kyomugisha, E Lutalo, P Mugyenyi, D Mulima, H Musana, G Musitwa, V Musiime, M Ndigendawan, H Namata, J Nkalubo, P Ocitti Labejja, P Okello, P Olal, G Pimundu, P Segonga, F Ssali, Z Tamale, D Tumukunde, W Namala, R Byaruhanga, J Kayiwa, J Tukamushaba, S Abunyang, D Eram, O Denis, R Lwalanda, L Mugarura, J Namusanje, I Nankya, E Ndashimye, E Nabulime, O Senfuma, G Bihabwa, E Buluma, P Easterbrook, A Elbireer, A Kambugu, D Kamya, M Katwere, R Kiggundu, C Komujuni, E Laker, E Lubwama, I Mambule, J Matovu, A Nakajubi, J Nakku, R Nalumenya, L Namuyimbwa, F Semitala, B Wandera, J Wanyama, H Mugerwa, A Lugemwa, E Ninsiima, T Ssenkindu, S Mwebe, L Atwine, H William, C Katemba, M Acaku, P Ssebutinde, H Kitizo, J Kukundakwe, M Naluguza, K Ssegawa, F Nsibuka, P Tuhirirwe, M Fortunate, J Acen, J Achidri, A Amone, M Chamai, J Ditai, M Kemigisa, M Kiconco, C Matama, D Mbanza, F Nambaziira, M Owor Odoi, A Rweyora, G Tumwebaze, H Kalanzi, J Katabaazi, A Kiyingi, M Mbidde, M Mugenyi, R Mwebaze, P Okong, I Senoga, M Abwola, D Baliruno, J Bwomezi, A Kasede, M Mudoola, R Namisi, F Ssennono, S Tuhirwe, G Abongomera, G Amone, J Abach, I Aciro, B Arach, P Kidega, J Omongin, E Ocung, W Odong, A Philliam, H Alima, B Ahimbisibwe, E Atuhaire, F Atukunda, G Bekusike, A Bulegyeya, D Kahatano, S Kamukama, J Kyoshabire, A Nassali, A Mbonye, TM Naturinda, A Nshabohurira, H Ntawiha, A Rogers, M Tibyasa, S Kiirya, D Atwongyeire, A Nankya
The lancet HIV
Cross-resistance after first-line antiretroviral therapy (ART) failure is expected to impair activity of nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) in second-line therapy for patients with HIV, but evidence for the effect of cross-resistance on virological outcomes is limited. We aimed to assess the association between the activity, predicted by resistance testing, of the NRTIs used in second-line therapy and treatment outcomes for patients infected with HIV.
We did an observational analysis of additional data from a published open-label, randomised trial of second-line ART (EARNEST) in sub-Saharan Africa. 1277 adults or adolescents infected with HIV in whom first-line ART had failed (assessed by WHO criteria with virological confirmation) were randomly assigned to a boosted protease inhibitor (standardised to ritonavir-boosted lopinavir) with two to three NRTIs (clinician-selected, without …