Sawsan Talib Salman
Int J Med sci
Background: The most frequent and complex issue for gynecologists is abnormal uterine bleeding.; It is the cause of many gynecologic outpatient visits Objective: To determine the histological forms in a group of hysterectomized's females who had abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB)
Patients and methods: Between fifteen July 2015, and December fourteen, 2015, there was a descriptive study conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Al-Batool Teaching Hospital in Baquba City. Thirty-three women were admitted for total abdominal hysterectomy after presenting with unexplained uterine bleeding throughout the research period. Complete history and examination are included in the questionnaire that has been prepared for the patient. After the hysterectomy, the uterus and adnexa specimens were sent to a professional histopathologist for histopathological analysis.
Results: In this study, the age group 46-55 years had the highest percentage of abnormal uterine bleeding (51.51 percentage), and the age group 76-85 years had the lowest percentage (3.03 percent). Low parity had the lowest percentage (9.09 percent), whereas grandmultiparous had the highest rate (60.61 percentage). The most frequent histological result were fibroids (42.42 percent), while secretary hemorrhage was found in only 3.03 percent of cases. Age and parity affected the histological results in hysterectomized tissues and specimens.
Conclusion: All patients with “abnormal-uterine bleeding” AUB should be searched for structural root problems because fibroids account for most cases that visit our hospital to get a hysterectomy and proliferative endometrium.