Dae Jin Kang, Eun Beom Song, Se Hui Ye, Seung Kyun Hong
대한체질인류학회 학술대회 연제 초록
Electron microscopy has been used as a useful tool in biological research to understand microcytoarchitecture of the tissue. Scanning electron microscopy has been used to observe the surface of a sample and it is mainly used to detect secondary electrons and backscattered electrons. These devices are designed to be observed in a high vacuum chamber after various processes such as chemical fixation, dehydration and coating to avoid electron charging. The scanning electron microscopes (Air-SEM) operated in ambient condition has been developed recently and was mainly used in material science field. We checked potential of Air-SEM for biological analysis using some biological tissue including rat brain, human tooth, and bones. The brain EM blocks prepared for TEM study were sectioned by varying the thickness and observed under the Air-SEM. We could identify cell bodies, dendrites, axons, and …
DJ Kang, EB Song, SH Ye, SK Hong - 대한체질인류학회학술대회연제초록, 2017