David W O'Neill, Stuti S Schoetz, Rocio A Lopez, Madalyn Castle, Lisa Rabinowitz, Erika Shor, Dayana Krawchuk, Mary G Goll, Manfred Renz, Hans-Peter Seelig, Sunmi Han, Rho H Seong, Sang D Park, Theodora Agalioti, Nikhil Munshi, Dimitrios Thanos, Hediye Erdjument-Bromage, Paul Tempst, Arthur Bank
Molecular and cellular biology
Taylor & Francis
We have previously described a SWI/SNF-related protein complex (PYR complex) that is restricted to definitive (adult-type) hematopoietic cells and that specifically binds DNA sequences containing long stretches of pyrimidines. Deletion of an intergenic DNA-binding site for this complex from a human β-globin locus construct results in delayed human γ-to β-globin switching in transgenic mice, suggesting that the PYR complex acts to facilitate the switch. We now show that PYR complex DNA-binding activity also copurifies with subunits of a second type of chromatin-remodeling complex, nucleosome-remodeling deacetylase (NuRD), that has been shown to have both nucleosome-remodeling and histone deacetylase activities. Gel supershift assays using antibodies to the ATPase-helicase subunit of the NuRD complex, Mi-2 (CHD4), confirm that Mi-2 is a component of the PYR complex. In addition, we show that the …
DW O'Neill, SS Schoetz, RA Lopez, M Castle… - Molecular and cellular biology, 2000