Bryan Alexander
The Tower and the Cloud
The many projects and services under the Web 2.0 umbrella are now a fact of the global information world. Technorati last tracked
70 million updated blogs, a number that continues to grow. 1 Wikipedia, having outpaced Encyclopedia Britannica in number of articles and word count, has become the most famous and at the same time most disparaged encyclopedia in centuries. Social networking services routinely enroll millions. Social musicsharing services continue to grow, as Last. fm continues to build a user base and Apple’s iTunes now maintains a social function, My iTunes (http://www. apple. com/itunes/myitunes). It is no longer shocking to realize that photos are largely digital, rather than analog; it is also not surprising that they are published in active social networks, such as Flickr and Picasa. RSS feeds appear not only on most blogs and news sites, but on campus home pages and corporate intranets. Folksonomic tagging, briefly controversial, now appears in the most widely used platforms, like Amazon. com and YouTube. Such a list can go on, but students are sometimes better positioned than older campus staf members to enumerate it. Teenagers might blog at the moment, or have either a MySpace or Facebook account, then shift to another platform as it emerges. They might not maintain wikis, but Wikipedia is both useful to them and perhaps slightly exciting as its notoriety grows. To post to a forum, add to a friend’s wall, check out an attractive person’s photos, or follow a sports figure via YouTube clips is generally unremarkable. And these are teenagers; younger children did not experience Web 1.0. These kids might play with …