Linda Pring, Valerie Tadić
We have all come across blindness and for the most part think of it as a sensoryperceptual loss for which the remaining functional sensory channels like hearing or touch can provide some compensation. However, in the case of autism the impairments in communication, in social understanding and imagination, as well as the ritualistic and obsessional behaviours seem to be features of a developmental disorder that cannot easily be compensated for. In certain respects these individuals are “blind” to some aspects of the world around them, and this has consequences for their behaviour. In the first part of this chapter we explore some of the associations between autism and blindness by focusing on early childhood behaviour. Three single case studies are presented that illustrate important features discussed in the theoretical considerations. In the second part of the chapter the impact of blindness beyond the early developmental years, is considered in the context of memory performance. One suggestion given prominence concerns the role of musical pitch memory and this links with the final section where talent is considered. Research with artists and musicians both with and without autism is used to illustrate a cognitive style that may be associated with the development of talents. The connections, with reference to the development of talent, autism and blindness, are examined. In the early 1980’s there seemed no direct association between these, but as we will describe in this chapter it may be that there is more to this than meets the eye.