Rawan Hesham Abdeen
PQDT-UK & Ireland
University of Salford (United Kingdom)
Ankles injuries account for 8% of health care consultations and ankle sprains constitute about 85% of all ankle injuries. Lateral ankle sprain is a type of injury that affects both the general and the sporting population. Lateral ankle sprain has a high rate of recurrence which can often lead to individual developing chronic ankle instability. This chronicity contributes to continue deficits of sensorimotor and constrained functioning) which could have a decrease effect on the health-related quality of life, the level of physical activity, and absence from training or competition for athletes, thus create a substantial global healthcare burden. With such negative consequences and related financial burden associated with LAS and CAI enhanced effort to understand structure and function differences between those that develop CAI and those that do not following an initial acute LAS is needed.