S Skrodal, Francisco Ben, Sasikala Nallaya, Sivakumar Alagumalai
Adelaide Research & Scholarship: Pattern recognition for learning through simulations Skip navigation DSpace logo Home Browse Communities & Collections Browse Items by: Issue Date Author Title Advisor Sign on to: My DSpace Receive email updates Edit Profile Adelaide Research & Scholarship The University of Adelaide Logo 1.Adelaide Research & Scholarship 2.Schools and Disciplines 3.School of Education 4.Education publications Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://hdl.handle.net/2440/58606 Type: Conference paper Title: Pattern recognition for learning through simulations Author: Skrodal, S. Ben, F. Nallaya, S. Alagumalai, S. Citation: SimTecT 2009 Simulation Conference: Simulation - Concepts, Capability and Technology (SimTecT 2009), Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia, 15 - 18 June, 2009: 8 p. Issue Date: 2009 ISBN: 0977525767 Conference Name: SimTecT …