Shashi Nallaya
The most commonly accepted version of the history of jazz education is articulated in a 1994 article appearing in the Jazz Educators Journal written by Daniel Murphy, detailing the field’s growth form its “pre-history” in the 1920s and 1930s, to the establishment of the first recognized (at least within this context) jazz education programs in the late 1940s (North Texas State University and the Berkley School of Music are notable examples), and into the 1960s and 1970s, when jazz education underwent a period of pronounced growth.
It is commonly accepted in the discipline that the earliest discussions about the history of jazz education occurred in the 1990s in a publication titled Jazz Educators Journal (Prouty 2005). Morgan (2004) identified that this publication detailed the progression of jazz education from the 1920s to the first acknowledged program in the 1940s as well as its significant evolution in the 1960s and 1970s. The essay by Murphy (1994) describes the different jazz programs that were established in institutions in a period of 50 years or so. It must be noted that historical periods are generally defined by the establishment of programs at specific schools (Prouty 2005).