BO Eiya, CA Inneh
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from deficiencies in insulin secretions or resistance of cells to insulin even when present in high levels. Globally, the prevalence of diabetes have been on the increase and further increase in the future have been estimated,(Kengne et al; 2005). In Nigeria, the prevalence of DM has been on the increase (ranging between 0.8%-4.4%(Olatunbosun et al; 1998, Akinkugbe, 1997) in some rural communities and 4.6-7%(Kengne et al., 2005) in urban communities. The rise in most metabolic syndromes eg like diabetes mellitus has been attributed to life style changes, the type of food we eat and how these foods are prepared has a very important role in most metabolic syndromes. Monosodium glutamate (MSG), a sodium salt of glutamic acid, is used as a flavor enhancer in food industry (Walker and Lupien, 2000;