Signe Timm, Morten Frydenberg, Michael Abrahamson, Randi Bertelsen, Lennart Bråbäck, Bryndis Benediktsdottir, Shyamali Dharmage, Bertil Forsberg, Thorarinn Gislason, Mathias Holm, Christer Janson, Rain Jogi, Andrei Malinovschi, Jose Ramos, Torben Sigsgaard, Cecilie Svanes, Vivi Schlünssen
European Respiratory Journal
suppl 62
European Respiratory Society
Background: Individuals raised on a farm appear to have less asthma. However, inconsistent results suggest that this phenomenon may be a matter of selective migration, rather than environmental exposures.
Aim: To investigate if parents with asthma are less likely to raise their children on a farm.
Methods: This study involves three generations: 6, 045 participants in ECRHS/RHINE cohorts (born 1945-73, denoted G1), their 10, 121 parents (denoted G0) and their 8, 260 children participating in RHINESSA (born 1963-98, denoted G2). Furthermore, we include information via G2-children on the parent not part of ECRHS/RHINE study. Asthma status and place of upbringing were reported in questionnaires by G1 in 2010-2012 and by G2 in 2013-2016. Binary regressions with farm upbringing as outcome were performed to explore the associations between parental asthma and offspring farm upbringing among G0-G1 …