Stephen P Bird, CSCS AEP RNutr
The physiological demands of basketball include aerobic and anaerobic energy utilisation, and integrates physical characteristics including muscular strength, power, endurance, flexibility, speed, agility and skill (22). Players frequently change direction throughout the duration of the game which contributes to much of the intensity imposed (9). Research (4) suggests that per game average, elite basketball players execute 50-60 changes in direction and speed transitions in addition to 40-60 maximal jump efforts. When looking at developing key characteristics of speed and agility, such as acceleration and explosiveness, the anaerobic energy system is most dominate whilst performing such movements (22). Therefore, basketball appears to be more dependent upon anaerobic power, in contrast to aerobic capacity (16). The need for speed and agility training in basketball is essential, with current practices of National Basketball Association (NBA) strength and conditioning (S&C) coaches suggesting that agility training complements the development of speed (20). Additionally, change of direction (COD) activities are also outlined as a means of injury prevention and prehabilitation (20). The rationale behind this philosophy relates to the concept of‗ movement rehearsal ‘, which is commonly integrated into contemporary prehabilitation programs for the purpose of lowering injury risk, especially targeting the ankle (2, 8, 14). The NBA S&C review (20) reports that the majority of NBA S&C coaches (70%) train athletes for agility, revealing the importance of training this component. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to (i) outline practical coaching …