Julio Calleja-González, Javier Mallo, Francesc Cos, Jaime Sampaio, Margaret T Jones, Diego Marqués-Jiménez, Juan Mielgo-Ayuso, Tomás T Freitas, Pedro E Alcaraz, Javier Vilamitjana, Sergio J Ibañez, Francesco Cuzzolin, Nicolás Terrados, Stephen P Bird, Asier Zubillaga, Thomas Huyghe, Igor Jukic, Alberto Lorenzo, Irineu Loturco, Anne Delextrat, Xavi Schelling, Miguel Gómez-Ruano, Isaac López-Laval, Jairo Vazquez, Daniele Conte, Álvaro Velarde-Sotres, Antonio Bores, Davide Ferioli, Franc García, Xavier Peirau, Rafael Martin-Acero, Carlos Lago-Peñas
Frontiers in Sports and Active living
Frontiers Media SA
Elite performance and sporting success are often the result of optimal integration and synergy of all components of sports preparedness (ie, health, technical and tactical skills, bioenergetic and neuromuscular abilities and capacities, anthropometric characteristics, cognition, emotions, creativity, or personality), which evolve because of systematic long-term sports preparation. However, the relative importance of these characteristics varies between individual and team sports. While some individual sports require a high standard of bioenergetic and neuromuscular abilities and capacities, team sports performance is closely related to technical and tactical skills, which may compensate for weakness within the fitness level (1). Nonetheless, successful team sport performances seem to be much more dependent on the interaction among a wide range of factors than on the maximum development of one or two factors in isolation. In team sports, elite performance emerges from the interaction among the individual parts (2) to overcome the opponent during competition. Sports may be categorized according to the degree of predictability of the environment that they are played in (3). Team sports occur in highly unpredictable environments due to the interactions with both teammates and opponents, with performance dealing with this unpredictability. Thus, it is important to have a clear understanding of the integrative systems and the principles that rule their interactions with the environment, keeping in mind the main aim of the process: developing the diversity/unpredictability potential of athletes/teams (4) to afford the emergence of rich patterns of behavior …