Yusdi Anra, Asyhadi Mufsi Sadzali, I Budaya
Titian: Jurnal Ilmu Humaniora
A house in the culture of Jambi Malay community is defined not only as a place to live, but also as a view of life and expression of life itself. This conceptual foundation is listed in the locution tradition (seloko adat) which says:“Umah deh umah pateli, umah belampit balembago, ka ateh batutup dengan bubung pirak, kabawah ba aleh badendi gading. Ka ateh batutup dengan bubung pirak itu yang dinamokan syarak, di bawah ba aleh basendi gading itu dinamaokan adat, syarak mengato adat memakai”. The utterances outline the learning and application of the social rules of the Jambi Malay community which begins from the house and then to the surrounding environment and in social interaction between individuals with individuals, individuals with nature, and individuals with the God as the creator. But nowdays, the number and the value of traditional architecture in Jambi Malay slowly fade away because of modernization and marginalized which caused by modern architecture. The scarcity of Jambi Malay traditional architecture is an evidence of the latest phenomenon of Jambi Malay society. The guiding research questions of this study are as follows, 1) What are the varieties of forms, ornaments and ornamental motifs on traditional Malay house architecture? 2) What are the layout patterns of the architecture of Malay traditional houses in Jambi? 3) What noble values are contained in the various architectural styles of traditional Malay houses? These research questions answered with an archaeological method approach, specifically composed of; archeological data collection and literature data, then the processing of architectural data, both …