Fae A Kronman, Josephine K Liwang, Rebecca Betty, Daniel J Vanselow, Yuan-Ting Wu, Nicholas J Tustison, Ashwin Bhandiwad, Steffy B Manjila, Jennifer A Minteer, Donghui Shin, Choong Heon Lee, Rohan Patil, Jeffrey T Duda, Luis Puelles, James C Gee, Jiangyang Zhang, Lydia Ng, Yongsoo Kim
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Preprints
3D standard reference brains serve as key resources to understand the spatial organization of the brain and promote interoperability across different studies. However, unlike the adult mouse brain, the lack of standard 3D reference atlases for developing mouse brains has hindered advancement of our understanding of brain development. Here, we present a multimodal 3D developmental common coordinate framework (DevCCF) spanning mouse embryonic day (E) 11.5, E13. 5, E15. 5, E18. 5, and postnatal day (P) 4, P14, and P56 with anatomical segmentations defined by a developmental ontology. At each age, the DevCCF features undistorted morphologically averaged atlas templates created from Magnetic Resonance Imaging and co-registered high-resolution templates from light sheet fluorescence microscopy. Expert-curated 3D anatomical segmentations at each age adhere to an updated prosomeric …
FA Kronman, JK Liwang, R Betty, DJ Vanselow, YT Wu… - bioRxiv, 2023