Laxmaiah Manchikanti, Salahadin Abdi, Sairam Atluri, Carl C Balog, Ramsin M Benyamin, Mark V Boswell, Keith R Brown, Brian M Bruel, David A Bryce, Patricia A Burks, Allen W Burton, Aaron K Calodney, David L Caraway, Kimberly A Cash, Paul J Christo, Kim S Damron, Sukdeb Datta, Timothy R Deer, Sudhir Diwan, Ike Eriator, Frank JE Falco, Bert Fellows, Stephanie Geffert, Christopher G Gharibo, Scott E Glaser, Jay S Grider, Haroon Hameed, Mariam Hameed, Hans Hansen, Michael E Harned, Salim M Hayek, Adam M Kaye
Pain Physician
3 Suppl
Opioid abuse has continued to increase at an alarming rate since the 1990 s. As documented by different medical specialties, medical boards, advocacy groups, and the Drug Enforcement Administration, available evidence suggests a wide variance in chronic opioid therapy of 90 days or longer in chronic non-cancer pain. Part 1 describes evidence assessment. The objectives of opioid guidelines as issued by the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP) are to provide guidance for the use of opioids for the treatment of chronic non-cancer pain, to produce consistency in the application of an opioid philosophy among the many diverse groups involved, to improve the treatment of chronic non-cancer pain, and to reduce the incidence of abuse and drug diversion. The focus of these guidelines is to curtail the abuse of opioids without jeopardizing non-cancer pain management with opioids. 1) There is good evidence that non-medical use of opioids is extensive; one-third of chronic pain patients may not use prescribed opioids as prescribed or may abuse them, and illicit drug use is significantly higher in these patients. 2) There is good evidence that opioid prescriptions are increasing rapidly, as the majority of prescriptions are from non-pain physicians, many patients are on long-acting opioids, and many patients are provided with combinations of long-acting and short-acting opioids. 3) There is good evidence that the increased supply of opioids, use of high dose opioids, doctor shoppers, and patients with multiple comorbid factors contribute to the majority of the fatalities. 4) There is fair evidence that long-acting opioids and a …