Salleh Hairon, Jonathan Wee Pin Goh, Diwi Abbas
Australian Association for Research in Education
Australian Association for Research in Education. AARE Secretariat, One Geils Court, Deakin ACT 2600, Australia
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) have gained much attention in the education scene. Since 2009, the Singapore education policymakers have set their eyes on PLCs as a means of raising the quality of teachers while promoting teacher-led collaborative professional development. With the introduction of the education ministry's PLC model, schools across the nation are adopting PLCs, albeit at different stages and phases of implementation. However, the spirit of teacher learning in communities had started since 2000 with the introduction of a collaborative learning framework coined as 'Learning Circles' where teachers meet in small groups to improve teaching and learning. The education policy initiative in 2009 only served to scale up the endeavour to make it school-wide and system-wide. Since then research studies looking at how PLCs are carried in schools have not been in abundance. This study, which made use of qualitative focused group discussions involving 11 public elementary
S Hairon, JWP Goh, D Abbas - Australian Association for Research in Education, 2014