Bhopal Singh, Rekha Rani, Chetan N Dharaiya
www. groupexcelindia. com
Breadfruit (Artocarpusaltilis) is a tropical fruit of mulberry family which originated from New Guinea and possibly from Moluccas and Philippines. It possess high nutritional value and also useful in the prevention of many diseases. In comparison to other tropical crops, it is a traditional crop in Oceania with the potential to prevent hunger and mitigate diabetes. Cooked breadfruit helps to regulate blood sugar levels in humans. Urinary tract problems, injured eyes, mosquito repellent, headaches, urinary infections, hypertension and fewer can be treated by the leaves, roots, seed and the fruit. So many authors reported the importance of each and every part of it in value-added food products. It is an alternative source of starch for industrial and pharmaceutical purposes. Breadfruit contains a higher level of crude fiber, protein, starch, minerals, and vitamins, enhances its functional and nutraceutical value. The flour has been used in the preparation of stiff porridges, infant formulas, extruded products, bread, cake, fermented foods, pancakes, and biscuits.
B Singh, R Rani, CN Dharaiya - www. groupexcelindia. com, 2020