Christine Ipsen
DTU, Institut for Produktion og Ledelse
Work-related stress is an increasing problem in Europe. In Denmark it has been estimated that almost half of the population has experienced stress on a daily basis and that the absence from work, reduced productivity, additional recruiting etc. due to this problem are very costly for both companies and for society. Recent studies also show that there is a correlation between level of education and stress and, correspondingly, that stress is an increasing problem in knowledge-intensive companies. The objective of this project is to investi-gate the organisational opportunities available to managers and employees in knowledge-intensive companies so that they may prevent the occurrence of problems and strains arising from “knowledge-work”. The critical aspect of “knowledge-work” is the work process itself as this is the basis for development of new knowledge. These knowledge-intensive companies employ highly educated and competent people who, in close rela-tionship with both customers and colleagues, apply their personal knowledge to generate new knowledge. The employees are self-managed and work in networks and de-centralised project groups. Earlier studies have stated that knowledge-work offers working conditions which reflect a good psychosocial environment. The studies show that the respondents describe their working life as good and stimulating. But on the other hand, the interviews also reveal aspects of knowledge-work which can cause frustration and stress. The prob-lems experienced have an effect on knowledge production in terms of reduced knowledge-sharing, less time for development, reduced productivity and …