Psychiatry for the Developing World
American Psychiatric Pub
The aim of this section is to provide a brief overview of approaches to individual treatment of alcohol and drug problems. It is worth remembering that many people may make significant changes without using treatment services, and so by definition those who do use treatment services will have failed at attempts at self-change. This section outlines the basic cognitive-behavioural approach to the assessment and the planning of treatment goals for individual patients. Studies from the United States draw attention to the extent to which a process of'maturing out'(moving away from illegal drug use with age) may occur, but also draw attention to the conditional nature of this' maturing out'and identify factors which may slow down the rate of such recovery. In the United Kingdom, Gossop et al (1991) have reported on the considerable extent to which heroin. addicts in treatment have made previous do-it-yourself attempts at detoxification, employing a variety of strategies with a moderate degree of success in the short term, at least comparable to that achieved in out-patient treatment programmes. The extent to which these approaches may be developed (for example, in the form of self-help manuals) has yet to be evaluated. Most people who stop smoking do so without any professional assistance. Modification of patterns of alcohol consumption may be strongly mediated by factors such as spouse or family pressure, employer pressure or other lifestyle changes. Environmental supports that promote health changes and healthier lifestyles are important adjuncts to any treatment interventions.
M FARRELL, J STRANG - Psychiatry for the Developing World, 1996