Gerald Däuble, Deniz Özcan, Christina Niemöller, Michael Fellmann, Markus Nüttgens
In virtue of the demand for mobility in many work environments such as in the field service, appropriate technology is needed to enhance operational and business efficiency. This makes flexible and mobile support for communication and coordination among actors in mobile work environments such as in the field of the Technical Customer Service (TCS) inevitable. However, designing a service support system is a complex task considering the high number and variety of components required and workflows involving several parties. Before system development can take place, requirements of the users need to be considered. Therefore, we applied two software engineering concepts comprising use cases and User Centered Design (UCD). The contrasting juxtaposition of the results allows the validation of the existing Use Case Catalog (UCC) and gives indications about the eligibility of the UCC for the design of user-oriented mobile service support systems.