Dirk Metzger, Christina Niemöller, Benjamin Wingert, Tobias Schultze, Matthias Bues, Oliver Thomas
Training service provider is a crucial factor for high-quality service delivery. Due to the rise of new devices, reviving Virtual Reality (VR) offer great opportunities to overcome current training challenges. As various new interaction and visualization systems push into market, guidance on how to design VR-based training systems is necessary. The presented use case is based on technicians in technical customer services (TCS) who tackle increasing complexity of machines. We fill the research gap of design knowledge by (1) analyzing the domain in a multi-method approach to elicit meta-requirements,(2) proposing design principles, and (3) instantiating them in a prototype. The interaction of the user with the training system was identified as key aspect to foster learning. We follow a design science research approach (DSR) combing the build-phase with agile evaluation cycles obtaining focus groups and demonstration with a prototype.