Anh Bui, Dale Hall, Stephanie Searle
The Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) and Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) programs of California’s Advanced Clean Cars (ACC) regulations, 1 originally enacted in 2012 for model years (MYs) 2015 to 2025 for light-duty and medium-duty vehicles, 2 have been effective policies for creating and growing the market for electric vehicles (EVs) and reducing road transport greenhouse gas (GHG) and criteria pollutant emission.
Due to California’s earlier efforts on vehicle emission regulations pre-dating the 1970 United States Clean Air Act (CAA), the CAA authorized the state to set its own separate and stricter regulations than the federal level. Under Section 177 of the CAA, other states can adopt California standards or follow federal standards, but not set their own. As of September 2022, 15 other states have adopted both California ACC LEV and ZEV regulations, and two states, have adopted LEV regulations. 3