Betelhem Getachew, Amel Beshir, Elias Mulat
2023.04. 02.23287955
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Scabies is a global public health problem and the highest prevalence of scabies occurs in tropical area, especially among marginal age groups and resource-limited communities. And it is one of the most common diseases seen in dermatology clinics.
To assess magnitude and pattern of scabies among patients attending dermatology clinic of alert hospital during the study period
Hospital based retrospective study was conducted on scabies patients attending dermatology & venerology clinic, in ALERT hospital located in Addis Ababa, capital city of Ethiopia. The study population was all patients attending dermatology and venereology department at ALERT center between April 09,2015 to May 09, 2020. Data was collected about the number and demographic pattern of patients diagnosed with scabies from health management information systems (HMIS) registration book at dermatology clinic and sample of medical records of patients was reviewed by structured checklist about the clinical and treatment pattern of the disease.
High frequency of scabies in patients presenting to a dermatology clinic is shown by this study. 5455 cases of scabies were registered from April 9,2015 to May 9,2020. 37226 total cases were seen in dermatology clinic of ALERT hospital between December 10, 2017 and November 11,2019. out of theis 37226 cases 2911 were scabies cases; making 7.8% of the outpatient visits by scabies patients.Of 5455 scabies cases registered, the majority (47.9%) belonged to the 15-45 years age group, and 26.8 % belonged to the 0-4 year age group. Those between 5-14 years of age consisted of 16.3 …