T Hyughe, F Buntinx, Jean-Marie Degryse
Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde
In June 2009, swine flu officially became a pandemic. Despite massive media attention no information is yet available about the knowledge, the fears and the vaccination plans of the population. Therefore a questionnaire, extended with locus of control (LOC) was distributed in Flanders to general practitioners in the fall of 2009. 710 copies were collected. Women were slightly over-represented. Only ten patients correctly answered all the questions, but still, over 66% could be used. Over one third was vaccinated for seasonal flu last year, but this year, nearly twice as many intended to get a vaccine for swine flu. This plan was significantly associated (p< 0,001) with age, last year’s seasonal vaccination, the idea that everyone should get a vaccine and a rather external LOC. Thirty percent was afraid for swine flu, mainly due to the possibility that a relative would die. Fear was significantly associated with gender (female, p< 0,005) and a rather external LOC (p< 0,001). As women were overrepresented, the fear may be overestimated. Good scores were mainly obtained from questions regarding the knowledge of the virus, the transmission and the protection, contrasting with feeble results concerning antiviral drugs. The first topics were discussed at length in a government campaign. The association between knowledge and fear or planning a vaccination was not significant; but they were significantly correlated with a rather external locus of control. The latter may form an additional issue for future campaigns in pending pandemics, which, apart from informing people, co...