Stefano Fais, Lorraine O’Driscoll, Francesc E Borras, Edit Buzas, Giovanni Camussi, Francesco Cappello, Joana Carvalho, Anabela Cordeiro Da Silva, Hernando Del Portillo, Samir El Andaloussi, Tanja Ficko Trček, Roberto Furlan, An Hendrix, Ihsan Gursel, Veronika Kralj-Iglic, Bertrand Kaeffer, Maja Kosanovic, Marilena E Lekka, Georg Lipps, Mariantonia Logozzi, Antonio Marcilla, Marei Sammar, Alicia Llorente, Irina Nazarenko, Carla Oliveira, Gabriella Pocsfalvi, Lawrence Rajendran, Graça Raposo, Eva Rohde, Pia Siljander, Guillaume Van Niel, M Helena Vasconcelos, María Yáñez-Mó, Marjo L Yliperttula, Natasa Zarovni, Apolonija Bedina Zavec, Bernd Giebel
American Chemical Society
Recent research has demonstrated that all body fluids assessed contain substantial amounts of vesicles that range in size from 30 to 1000 nm and that are surrounded by phospholipid membranes containing different membrane microdomains such as lipid rafts and caveolae. The most prominent representatives of these so-called extracellular vesicles (EVs) are nanosized exosomes (70–150 nm), which are derivatives of the endosomal system, and microvesicles (100–1000 nm), which are produced by outward budding of the plasma membrane. Nanosized EVs are released by almost all cell types and mediate targeted intercellular communication under physiological and pathophysiological conditions. Containing cell-type-specific signatures, EVs have been proposed as biomarkers in a variety of diseases. Furthermore, according to their physical functions, EVs of selected cell types have been used as therapeutic …